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PANIC BUTTON: Whitney needs help deciding whether or not to speak up about something at Thanksgiving. She knows it’ll destroy lives, but wants to make sure it’s not HERS!
The weird new thing Pizza Hut is selling & the items you ended up getting to keep when the relationship ended!
Are you smarter than Kara? Play the Road Trip Edition of your favorite game where we ask you and Kara the same pop culture trivia questions. Try to get more questions correct than Kara while you and the family head out on the road!
Are you smarter than Kara? Play the Road Trip Edition of your favorite game where we ask you and Kara the same pop culture trivia questions. Try to get more questions correct than Kara while you and the family head out on the road!
Are you smarter than Kara? Play the Road Trip Edition of your favorite game where we ask you and Kara the same pop culture trivia questions. Try to get more questions correct than Kara while you and the family head out on the road!
Are you smarter than Kara? Play the Road Trip Edition of your favorite game where we ask you and Kara the same pop culture trivia questions. Try to get more questions correct than Kara while you and the family head out on the road!
Click here to listen to Are You Smarter than Kara: Road Trip Edition on your favorite podcast platform!
Tad tries the recipes so you don't have to!
Need to be forgiven? Do your transgressions need be forgotten? Let us know the who/what/why and you could be our next guest on Forgive & Forget with Tad, Drex, & Kara!
Are you smarter than Kara? If so, she’ll pay $100 of her money! We’ll ask you and Kara the same pop culture trivia questions, if you answer more right than her, you win her money!