It’s story time with Tad, Drex and Kara as they read Tad’s friend Kevin’s children’s book “Cody The Cloud”! Every child who watches this video gets us closer to reaching our goal of reading to 1,000 kids!
Tad, Drex and Kara are on a mission to read to 1,000 students as we promote the importance of literacy in Atlanta’s schools. As soon as we reach 1,000 kids, Artisan Custom Closets will make a $1,000 donation to a local non-profit reading mentorship program, Everybody Wins Atlanta.
Want to buy your own copy of “Cody The Cloud”? The Author, Kevin Mulhern has graciously offered to donate a portion of the proceeds directly to “Everybody Wins Atlanta”! If you Order here, you can tell Kevin your child’s name and a few things about them. He will include a personalized note!
(Note: only orders through the Cody The Cloud Website will receive a note.)