Post Malone's "Gaming for Love" streams raise over $200K for charity

Post Malone combined two of his favorite things -- playing games and raising money for charity -- with Gaming For Love, which has raised over $200,000 for several charities.

The streaming series, which ran from July 18 to July 24 on the Twitch streaming service, raised funds for Human Rights Watch, United Way, Project HOPE and The Trevor Project. Each stream ran for six hours, with the Grammy winner playing Apex Legends, and highlighted a different charity each day.

After counting all the donations, Post has successfully raised $196,066.20 for these services. He then directed $40,000 of his own money to the campaign, which was matched by Respawn Entertainment, the owner of Apex Legends.

The livestream that raised the most money in a single night was the one that ran July 24, which benefited The Trevor Project. The six-hour stream raised $76,026.33 after Post opened a private server and welcomed 60 people to compete in a tournament.

If you missed these livestreams and a chance to donate, don't fret. The "Circles" rapper has since posted all the streams to his Gaming for Love YouTube channel, and every video has a link where one can send funds to their chosen charity.