Tad, Drex, and Kara's "Favorite Things" Under $20

"Oprah's Favorite Things" list includes extravagant items like a $168 adult onesie! So we decided to share OUR favorite things. The only requirement is that these items had to have been purchased in the last year, AND they had to cost under $20! Here are our picks:

Tad's Favorite 

At $9.99, you can't go wrong with the "Veghetti" spiralizer! Turn ordinary vegetables into a healthy pasta! 4 cups of ordinary pasta? 800 calories. 4 cup serving of zuchinni pasta? SIXTY calories! Yes please! AND you can choose between thicker noodles or "angel hair" style!

Drex's Favorite

This tool helps you find the exact angle of any corner in your house, so when you cut molding or woodwork, you get a perfect fit!

Kara's Favorite 

Hold the phone! Kara's favorite thing is something she believes everyone needs in their life. It easily clips to your desk or nightstand to give you an extra hand supporting your cell phone or tablet while you scroll for hours!